Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about math?

i suck at math Dose that make mean that i am not Intellectual the say my mah level is 5th grade . i am not stupid dumb or retarded or dim-witted i know i am a smart kid i am 17 .I need advice about math?
Well I suck at fashion, wind-surfing, deep-sea fishing, basketball, Japanese and public-speaking. Everybody sucks at something. Don't worry about it. Just be good at something you like.I need advice about math?
Judging by your grammar, I have a tough time believing you are all that great at English.

People have different ideas as to what defines intellect. Personally, I think intellect can be judged by one's critical reasoning skills. Are you good at social studies because you are good at memorizing facts? If so, then that has nothing to do with intellect, that's memory. Intellect, as far as I'm concerned, is about how you process and use facts. A person's aptitude for math is one of the best indicators of this because simply memorizing formulas won't get you very far in the subject. In order to succeed in math, you need to have a solid understanding of the meaning behind the symbols. You need to be able to process information and arrive at solutions using logical reasoning. This is critical thinking, not regurgitating information from a textbook or lecture notes.
each of us has different strengths -

I think I am pretty good at math - but my English is not fun

and I could care less about social studies - - -

I would think you are pretty intellectual about English and that other thing

all the best

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