Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about my life?

It seems here lately, my friends never call me anymore to hangout. I don't have a girlfriend, I'm lonely, I'm trying my hardest not to appear desperate or needy. I'm a 24 year old single guy. The town I live in is very small. The town where all of my friends live (two friends) is 33 miles away. My best friend has a new boyfriend, my only other friend is always ';trying'; to appear busy, and never has time to hang out anymore. I just really wish that I could get my shot, you know? I have been single for 6 months, now, and I never get hit on by women, I don't know how to approach women, because I don't want to come off as some sort of creep. I REALLY need some advice, I'm just really lonely. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.I need some advice about my life?
welcome to the club! im 42 and still a virgin!I need some advice about my life?
you seem real cool, maybe you should move towns, and join lots of clubs

i'm 30 and single and often alone but i'm mostly happy, but I think that's to do with being Christian. I get lonely sometimes when guys try to flirt with me that I can't go out with, like if they have girlfriends etc.

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why not move to the city make a new life make new friends you can get a whole new personality i know i know its easier said then done but if you don't do it now you'll never do it your only young once live you'll life a little you gotta make your own friends they don't come knocking on the door
i would hang out in some clubs and bars. Talk to some women and introduce yourself, offer to buy a drink etc. Just be casual and act yourself, your sure to get some people.
try moving to a new place with new i never know who you could end up falling in love with.
Join some singles and dating websites, as a beginning.
What you have to do is change the direction - stop the idea of finding women and go toward doing things that are fun and interesting. Try to pick things that will involve others and not be solely directed at one sex. Go into things that you might have some interest or skill at and enjoy them. The rest will happen by itself. Have fun in life and life will be good for you - in all ways.
life is very gOOD

please answer my question


fonctionnement mall.colm

What do you have for hobbies or what do you enjoy doing? You need to be happy with yourself first, as you are, before expanding beyond that. It's a drag that your friends are 33 miles away- can you move to be closer to them?

Meeting a good woman will come from an unexpected place at an expected time. As long as you are ';looking'; you will strike out (something about the way we convey ourselves when we're single puts women off). Anyway, places like work, taking classes/courses or social gatherings (church, softball team, grange hall stuff) are the best for such a chance encounter. But, you have to have a reason for being in a place like that in the first place. You follow me?

Hang in there sport. You'll do fine. I went through a really crappy dry spell (7-months) where I felt the same as you. I ended up dating a woman who worked in a nurse's office at a college where I was taking classes. That broke me out of my slump. I'm certain the same will happen for you.
Somethings to take into account..

1. Do you live at home with parents?

2. Do you isolate yourself with drugs?

3. Have you thought that you had mental/physical issues recently?

4. Do you have sexual problems that give you low self esteem?

If you can answer to these questions address them before they become so bad you can't do anything about it.

Just remember that your only 24 once and pretty soon your best years will be gone.
aw, just go out, talk to anyone and everyone, you wont appear as a creep if you don't approach women like one, you seem sweet, good luck, being single rocks...
try goin out to bars or clubs it will be kinda hard 2 get to one becuz u live in a small town but yea just try stuff like that eventually u will find someone just dont get all caught up and what u dont have think bout wat u do have some friends and a family OoOoO and if u have any bros and sister they could try to hook u up wit one of their friends god i sould old for only being 14 lol
I would suggest that you first recognize the best things you have to offer someone and focus on yourself. From your question it appears that you are a terrific writer - clear, concise and well written. Perhaps you're looking at this from the wrong perspective when you talk about never 'hitting' on women. Your focus should be on showing what a great person you are and perhaps that can happen through writing. Online personals is a great way to get to know someone. I would suggest that you visit a site like ours at and start communicating with others. You will find friends and people who share the same interests and hopefully the love of your life. God bless!

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