Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?

I'm a flight attendant. Last year, I had an incredible trip with an amazing Pilot.

I've been flying for 4 years and have never had so much fun with a pilot before, in a platonic way. Even he said he had an great time even tho the trip was full of problems.

After I left the airport, I was so mad at myself for not saying something to him about how I was feeling. A few days later, I left a note in his box at work telling him I'm glad we got to fly together %26amp; if he ever wanted to hang out, to give me a call. A few days later, I saw him on MySpace %26amp; it says he's in a relationship. I send him a message %26amp; tell him sorry %26amp; just to ignore my note. He wrote me back %26amp; said that he was dating someone back in his home town %26amp; they couldn't see other people. I haven't seen him since this back in September. On Sunday, I'm flying %26amp; I know for a fact I'll see him in the crew room. I'm terrified.

Should I be completely embarassed? Should I say something or ignore him? I am still crazy about him!Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?'s obvious he's in a relationship and doesn't like you enough to dump his current girlfriend

if you had a super time hanging out as friends, that means nothing to him but friendship.......unlike how you as a woman view it

I would be embarresed about sending him a ';sorry ignore my note'; comment. You told him, you were blunt enough that he could figure out you liked him and you didn't know he had a girlfriend. Never apologize for that, I surely don't apologize for hitting on a woman with a bf......she has no ring on her finger and how am I supposed to know. Now act like nothing is different(your a woman, your good at it naturally) and move it on.

If you fly into Houston, give me a hollar and show you how lame pilots are.Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?
Dont be embarrassed, that note you left didn't indicate you wanted him more than a friend.
Just act normal. Be friendly, and just think of him as a friend. If you two do become friends, and he ends up breaking up with his girlfriend, you would be in a very good position. But until then, just smile and say hi.
no, it was an honest mistake and you handled it like a lady. He seems as if he's a good guy. I would say hi when you see him and tell him that you don't want him to think you are forward or anything but that he is just a fun person to travel with. Put the ball in his court.
Just pretend like nothing happened, and that doesn't mean either saying something or ignoring him.
I wouldn't worry about it. If he brings it up, just say that was in the past. I'd try to find out if he is still after another girl, if not, jump right in and send some IOIs (Indicators of interest). Do talk to him though, just say ';Hey, it's been awhile since we talked, what's been keeping you busy?'; and generate a normal conversation.
yes you are crazy,, for even thinking abt this ! wow have morals dear! you are a homewreaker ! you know good and well he is on a realtionship.... why bother,,, if you do see him again ask him you want to see his wife's picture! and say it aload! learn from the mistake and move forward! i think stewartests are very sexy !
Just be yourself. As far as you know he may have just broken up with his girlfriend.
don't worry about it, i am sure he isn't worried about it. Plus when you act like it is no big deal what so ever only two things can happen: one he acts just as casual, or two he will try to get with you because there is nothing i guy wants more than something he can't have.

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