Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about periods?

well basicly i have really bad period pains and i take mefenamic acid to stop them but ive want to take somthing i can controll when i have them and make them lighter so im not constantly worry about my period i hope im making sense please help me im desperate :( thanksI need advice about periods?
Have you been to your doctor to ask for the pill it can ease the pains and also make your periods lighter. They will make sure the right pill is the right one for your body well system if you know what I meanI need advice about periods?
I used to have horrible cramps. There were days I had to go home from school they were so bad. All I would do is lay in bed cause it was so painful. Then I started taking birth control. Even if you aren't having sex, its useful because it will make your menstrual periods lighter, shorter and less painful. You can choose exactly when to have your period, or when not to have it and PMS is often less. I highly recommend it, trust me, it will help a lot.
I know this sounds gross to some people, but it's natural and it's life!! Sex. Yep. That's right. Sex has been proven to help with a woman's pains during that time of the month. It has also been proven to make periods lighter for a woman..and here is a whopper of a reason to do it: Statistics say that a woman has her best orgasms during this time, due to hormones and all of that!!
I dont know what 'mefenamic' is but if you want to control them and make them lighter then you need to go on the pill. the only name i know of top of my head is Microgonan 30!

take it every day for 21 days the 7 free days for a 4 day period...

or there is the Injection or the Implant...

All of these you can find out loads about from your local GP.
i also used to take mefanamic acid (are they still the size of saucers??) I got put on the pill and it helps a lot. I think it was microgynon, but be careful you can put weight on so id see if there are any other ways to stop it......good luck, dont think people take this kind of thing seriously but I know how awful it is for you***
I don't know how old you are so I don't know how much control you have.

I used to have cramps so bad that I hurt from my lower back to my knees. I felt like I wanted to throw up and the only cure was to take some whatever over the counter pain meds I had on hand and try to go to sleep. I was done for a whole day.

Then I got on birth control. It was the best decision I ever made.

My periods are predictable, and IF I even have cramps, they are just a dull ache in my belly. Much more tolerable! My cycles are also light.

I am almost afraid to go off of it now!
I have had the same problem- doctors linked it to endometriosis... but then later found out that was untrue and I just have bad cramps and heavy periods. They put me on a low dose birth control pill, so that I can still take pain medication and it wont conflict with it. My periods only last about 3 days I have much less pain.
there is a coil you can have fitted that releases hormones slowly this almost stops your period altogether it also eliminates pmt. ask your doctor for other options that might be better for you but don't waste your life worrying about your period get some good quality sanitary protection and see your doc I am sure things will settle down
If you take the mini-pill, which is one you take every day, eventually your periods stop so this may help with the pain but most contraceptive pills help your period in some way so definately go to your doctor and they will find a suitable option for you.
I use ibuprofen for the pain, does the trick every time for me. :) and i don't know how you get it lighter.
you need to see your doctor or the nurse, they will be able to advise you and maybe give you some medication to ease your periods, please dont self medicate.

Good Luck
I used to have bad period pains and got put on the contraceptive pill which really helped, obviously depends how young you are.
i used to be the same... would be doubled over in pain so i went on the contraceptive pill and not only are they as regular as clockwork, but also really light and best of all NO PAIN!!!!
go to your GP and aske about going on the pill, it should lighten your periods and youll be able to choose when to have one.
the dianette or birth control pill will usually make it lighter, and you can control when it comes.
well, if your not too young, I heard birth control pills make shorter lighter periods.
I'm a dude but. I think i can help.

are u using a clean pad??

and take the pilsl that whats her name said.

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