Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about an email?

anyways here it is, what do you think i should say to him??

anyways, i wanted to run something by you seeing how you are somebody who's seen me from the outside. i just had yet another promising relationship crash and burn before it ever really got off the ground. big deal, right? well, its what she said. she told me the exact thing that you did. she said that she liked me, just didnt have time for a relationship. well, i know when you said it, it was more or less to protect my feelings, and i understand. I've gotta think that this girl said it thinking the same thing. but, it got me thinking. is there something seriously wrong with me that i just cant see? how can people be so interested in me in the beginning, and get turned off so quickly when i'm always the same person. you said one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me when you told me that what you liked about me was that i was always myself, never acting different depending on the situation. I'd have to say that i agree with that, so this whole relationship deal has me kind of stumped. i was wondering if you had any insight as to what i could be doing (or not doing). keep in mind that none of this is a ';dig'; at you because of what never happend between us. i respect you and your opinion, thats why im asking. I need to do something because this is getting to be too much heartbreak too often. thanks in advance!

~NolanI need some advice about an email?
Is this question directed at a particular person or is it for everyone to answer?

I kind of felt that by reading it I was intruding on your private business.

What exactly is it we can tell you?

*want to help but a little confused*I need some advice about an email?
If I'm understanding your question correctly, it sounds like this person's relationships are ';crashing'; because they rush into them too quickly. Perhaps you, or whoever you are talking about needs to get to know people better before they jump into being a couple. A lot of relationships die when people start getting to know each other and find they have little in common - and that's nobody's fault - it's just a mismatch of people.

that is kinda loaded but a very nice email.

He sounds like a great guy...are you sure you cant make sometime for him NOW?

okay well to answer your question (and if your friends read your 'yahoo answers' he might appreciate it if you removed his name!)

if there was something about him that made you want to run from him, is it something that you could tell him that he can realistically change.

For example, if he acts like a bisexual, that is probably not something that he can change, however, if is breath generally stinks, he could change that, so I would tell him the former but not the latter.

If there is really nothing you can think of (depending on how old he is) you can tell him that there really is Nothing that you can think of and that 2 or even 4 women should not make him change who he is and that if he respects your opinion then he has to trust you that he is a great person and that the problem was with you (and this other chick) and not him. (This will cheer him up since your opinion seems to mean a great deal to him).


I am speechless at what an awesome guy this sounds like!
Be true to him.He is hurting coz its becoming a trend for girls to like him and then soon after get out of the relationship.Tell him and be precise.It will give an insight into himself.sometimes the problem is with us the girls and the guy ends up blaming himself.

So if you really liked him,you got to be honest.if there's that one thing that he does that puts off the gals let him know.In the long run it is for his own good.
Try answering his letter by telling him the truth.
uhhhh, the truth? Only you can answer your own question. What were you thinking when you told him that you ';didn't have time for a relationship?'; Is he 600lbs. with a giant wart on his nose and gorilla hair all over his body? Why DID you tell him that? Were you just not interested? Just be honest with him....nicely. There is someone for everyone. (even a 600lb. guy with a giant wart on his nose and gorilla hair all over his body) I truly believe there is. So just because he might not have turned your crank or this other chicks crank that just dissed him, there is someone out there who will think he is the greatest thing since George Clooney! My point? Be easy but be truthful reminding him that there is someone for him. My daddy always used to tell me, ';Honey, you might have to kiss a lot of toads b4 you find your handsome prince.';
Ok to may understanding this guy is bummed about girls not wanting to be in a relationship with him. I think his problem is that he gets too serious too soon and that can scare some people off. Alot of people have commitment issues, a fear of being tied down to one person. Sometimes when a guy comes on to strong it can scare you, and make you think something is wrong with him. The best thing to tell him is that he should not be so easy to give his heart, not realizing that lots of people have commitment issues(fear of being in a relationship) some b/c they are scared to give their heart to another b/c that leaves them vulnerable and some people dont like being that vulnerable, like me for one.
well, perhaps your comment to your friend makes him believe that all people should like him to act/react the same way all the time for all situations. that doesnt seem very forward moving or thinking. maybe you like him the way he is so that you can keep a friendship with him and not gain friendlier feelings for him.

he may have particular habits that arent apparent in the letter.

he sounds, well, experience tells me he's too forgiving and too hard on himself. I hope he finds someone worthy. :)
I mean this with kindness --- for one thing you are a poor communicator as I have read what you wrote three times and still do not know what advise you're requesting, about what, towards whom.

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