Thursday, December 31, 2009

HELP! I need advice about a boy!?!?!?

My best friend is 18 and im 15. and i really like her younger brother!!! But they hate each other! and they live across the country every time i see them i think he might like me but i dont know. is it wrong to like him and i dont no if i should make a move!?!? every time we see each other we get closer but i dont no wat to do! HELP?!!!!!HELP! I need advice about a boy!?!?!?
long distance isn't good. Sounds like drama. Don't.HELP! I need advice about a boy!?!?!?
yes, i don't think you should date her brother.

dont the girls have a saying like:

chicks before d*cks or something?
of course its not WRONG to like him, you can't help it. however, if you think this could ruin a great friendship with you best friend, i would advise against being more than friends with him. boyfriends don't usually last as long as friendships, especially with girlfriends. i wouldn't date him unless you are planning to marry him. If they truly HATE each other, decide which you value more, because its kind of hard to have your 2 best friends hate each other if they know each other.
if you really like him, than your friend will understand. if you're worried that she wouldn't, than ask her. if she seems completely disgusted by the idea, hide it by saying 'just kidding!!', and smile. if you're not worried about her approval, but his, than give it a try, don't go too far before you know for sure, though, or things might turn out ugly. good luck!!
Jump his bones. ^_^
I would simply recommend talking to the boy. If you find out he likes you too and wants to pursue something, then you should talk to his older sister and see if she would mind. It could put a large strain on your friendship because she may feel as she is coming 2nd to him. You need to make it clear to her that you are engaging in a relationship with him, but you will always be friends with her, regardless of how the relationship with her brother plays out. It will also be important for you to ask her if it is okay if you talk to her about issues you are having in the relationship, it may be that she is uncomfortable knowing things about her brother in that way. I think you need to think about how you intend to juggle it, splitting your time between them equally like you would do if you were engaging in a relationship with anyone. Talk to the boy first, and if he likes you, then go to your best friend. By talking to the boy first, you relieve yourself and your best friend of any unnecessary tension. Good luck!
never go for a freinds brother, causes to much trouble for all concerned.
definitely do NOT.

a girl who i was friends with (not best) but still close, i found out she hookedup/madeout with my brother and we were never friends after that. when people found out they thought it was really messed up for her to do that. ontop of that i lost all respect for her. its just something you dont do, a true friend wouldnt do it. its one thing if you hookedup and then became friends with her, but other than that... nononono dont do it if you want to keep your friendship
im a guy and i know some stuff ok? first how old is this guy? if he is under your age........ well thats kinda weird cause the guy usualy is older than the women not that im sexist though im sorry if u think that but ive heard that saying alot....but if u love him alot gofor it im not god or anything and i didnt TELL u to do anything.
talk to her!!!!!!!!!!!! use an icebreaker like when ur on the subject of guys anyway. u HAVE to make it right with her or otherwise it will b MORE awkward whenever u go over there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just dont think about it 2 much. hope it helps
Okay well if he likes you, he probably is already noticing you. You could do your hair differently, or where ever he goes follow. And plus you could find out what he likes and strike up conversation.
i say talk to her and him about things and how u feel
How old is he? If you like him and he likes you...sure go for it, but remember it'd be long distance.
Follow your heart and your friend, if she is really your friend, will understand, and maybe all three of you will become closer!
What's more important your best friend or the possibility that her brother might like you.....they don't go hand in hand. If you take a chance and he doesn't like it you've totally blown it. And, if he's interested let HIM make the move. Then your friend can't hate you.
just talk to him
i like salads
this might cause probs w/friend mabey u should talk to her about it to get a feel for her reaction
Ask yourself: is your friend important to you? If you date her brother, she may get VERY upset with you. For girls, it's more important to keep your girl friends than to date guys. The same goes for guys: it's more important to keep your guy friends than trade them for girlfriends.
Don't let fear stop you from exploring! Your path is your own have fun.
You should do what your heart tells you. If you like someone tell them if you think they might feel the same way. Your friend should understand any decision you make no matter what.
No Dear, it's not wrong to like him! You can't help when the love bug bites!! If she truly is your best friend then she will understand how you feel. Who knows, it might even help bring them closer together. Good Luck and relax and let nature take it's course. When you are around him, act just like you always have. You said that ever time you see each other you get closer, so have fun and take things easy!!! Good Luck, all will work out in the long run, don't worry too much!!
I think you have the right to like anyone you want. I would suggest a serious talk with your best friend before you make a move so you can explain the situation to her, and she should understand your feelings, im mean shes your best friend. Just dont try to make it without her knowledge otherwise it could be worse.

Good luck ;)
maybe you can help them with their relationship...through the guy of'll get closer in a positive way but won't be in a romantic relationship
Find someone else to like.... There are plenty of fish in the sea, and I am sure you will find someone wonderful, because you deserve nothing less... Sorry hon that you are in this situation, but chin up!
dont make the first move...

forget him
You're 15 and believe me there are plenty of guys in your future. Don't risk a friendship over some guy who lives across the country.
It is definetly not wrong to like him!!! I say you go and make a move, girl! If your best friend has a problem with you liking him, she has some serious issues. A best friend, in my opinion, is someone who loves you no matter what you get yourself into, even if it means dating her brother. If she's truely your best friend, she will love you no matter what you do in life. That's what BFF's are for!
You're Best Friend is Not You're Brain She's You're Partner. But Don't Choose A Guy Over You're Best Friend Or Else Yo u Won't Have Any';! So it's Really What You're Hart Desires For You Ask Him Out When You're Friend Not Around';! Inplus She'll Be Going Off To College Soon Right';?

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