Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need some advice about money? (I'm 18)

my muslim parents won't let me go 2 college

my parents want 2 see me punished because I went to prom and they found out I have friends

(am not allowed to use the phone or have friends)

So being in a cage all my life makes me want to break out

And I have a strong passion for music/film

I've told my parents I wanted to be a teacher...and they won't even let me be that..not even a doctor.

there's no middle ground

trust me, I spent my whole life searching

most of my friends are going to a different university

If I go with somebody, they'll lock the door on me

I want to take out a loan because I need a place to live before I can find a job (michigan economy sucks right now)

(living at home....I'm not allowed to even leave the front yard)

No, I can't turn to relatives. They think if they help me's like they turning against my parents...and my parents are infamous for holding grudges/getting into fights.

So, any advice on how to get a loan and how much I should take out? And how do I open a bank account if I can't leave the house?

';muslim girls can't be anything....all the other females are going to hell';

when they say that...I get mad. They say I'm going to hell too. Need some advice about money? (I'm 18)
Wow, what a story. This is a tough, but not an impossible situation. If you are really serious about leaving and building your own life, you must be prepared to do it without any family help. Will your friends help you? Maybe you could move in with your friends, and get a job and save everything you can, and go to school next year instead of this year. Did you get good grades in school? If you did, then apply for and get every single scholarship that you can. Try to avoid student loans as much as you can. Most students get them, but then they have to start off their careers with a $50,000+ debt. That is no way to live. Be prepared to work, work, and work some more. This won't be easy to say the least, but it can be done. You will be in my prayers. Good luck.Need some advice about money? (I'm 18)

you can earn money through survey and it is very easy to do.. all you need is a computer and friends for you to refer them to the website. you can earn hundreds of US dollars a month or week if you join..

just try it my friend.. it is worthy..for you

here is another website where you can earn money through normal internet researching with your computer. you can earn in pounds..



-pay pal account @( )

-friends also


thats all...very easy to earn money online i'd tried already

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