Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about ';friends';...?

I'm a pretty closed person and it takes me a really long time to open up to people. I had these three REALLY close friends and one of them convinced the other two that I was talking about them. Now none of them will talk to me and I'm pretty broken up about it. At this point I really want nothing to do with them but I can't get over the feeling that I'm making the wrong decision. Any advice?I need some advice about ';friends';...?
thats really difficult. how old are they? i also am pretty closed and when someone like us open up, it is hard to close up again. maybe you could approach them all in a setting and confront the issue. be straight forward. what could you lose other than the friendship? if you are prepared to not deal with them anyway, then at least clear the air.I need some advice about ';friends';...?
They should have asked you if you did speak about them before they judged you. They were never your friends in the first place. You did the right thing by moving on. Friend(S) last for a minute but a Friend will last forever.
you need to get over those feelings of remorse first. do you know who was talking smack about you? approach him/her and ask why they did it. try talking to other friends and explain that it was all just propaganda. if they dont believe you, then leave them. if they were really close friends, they would know who you are and that you would never do what the other guy says you did. confused? relationships are tough....
All of you need to sit down and talk this out ... in the open together.
I think you're making the right decision, but you feel it's wrong because you don't have any other friends so you're stuck without any friends at all. So go out and make new friends, and then you will get over the feeling.
in my opinion if your friends were really were friends they wouldn't have started something about you, and then your other friend believe them. i would be broken up about it too, and maybe you should try to talk to them, but they are all at fault. just don't blame yourself for your friendship. but you should try to make things the BETTER person!
If they were your close friends, they wouldnt do you like that, and i know its going to hurt. but u gotta let them go. if they loved you as a friend, then when that girl told the other two you were talkin bout them, they would have confronted you and asked you about it. And for them to listen to the other girl represents how fake they are. I'm sorry hun, i know its going to hurt, but God has better friends for you unless these friends step up.
If you feel that your making the wrong decision by not wanting to have anything to do with them. Then try to talk to those two friends. If they are still convinced you were talking about them then there not your true friends. But the ';friend'; who told them that. forget about him. I don't think your making the wrong decision. If they were that quick to believe your ';friend'; over you then your better off without them.

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