Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need some advice about my 8yr old step son!!?

Ok well my 8 r old step son is coming to leave with us!! We are driving 500 miles to go pick him up 2day anyways!!! I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some parenting advice for a 8yr old !!! Im only 22 yrs old so Im not even old enough to be his mom !!!! Thankas for al the info in advance!! Also would a 8 yr old like a webkin???? Cuz i bought him 1Need some advice about my 8yr old step son!!?
buying his love is good. i buy stuff for my stepdaughter all the time (shes 6) then again ive been with her dad for 4 years and she calls me momNeed some advice about my 8yr old step son!!?
Just treat him like he is yours. He might like a webkin. If you are fake with him he will see right trough it.
This has to be scary for you. I know you have had him on the weekend, but it is different when you are going to have him all the time. My advice to you is to do things the same way as when he comes to see you on the weekends. Also let him know that you are going to be a parental figure in his life now. Do not let him run over you. He will probably test you when he first comes to live with you just to see what he can and can't get away with. As any parent be there for him to talk to. You and your husband need to agree that neither of you will go against each other when punishing him. This is a big problem between any parent today. Make sure both of you agree on how to punish him.
Being a step parent has its unique challenges.

The main thing is that you and your husband agree on ALL parenting issues (discuss how to handle discipline especially) and that Dad takes the main roll in disciplinary actions.

Treat your son with respect and dignity and let him know that you expect the same from him. (This is a conversation his Dad needs to have with him before he walks in the door.)

The webkin was a good idea. Later on when you are more familiar with his specific interests you might choose another gift that tells him that you are paying attention to who he is.

And give it's a big adjustment for all of you.
Just ease into getting to know him. Also give him and dad some space at first and then start planning things to do as a family. Find out what he likes and what he doesn't like. The you and him go and do some of the things he likes to do. Let dad be the one to do the disciplining. Plus make sure you and dad are on the same page when it chores, school and such. It will be a major adjustment at first and not easy. Just give it time and if he is a good, easy going type kid, things will be fine. But if he is one of those spoiled brat types that always has to have his way, then you might have your work cut out for you.
I am a mother of an eight year old boy, I don't know much about a webkin, because my boy is one of those kids that are outside busy. he has a ps2 but never really plays it. He enjoys riding his bike and playing sports. He plays baseball, football, and basketball. He loves pokemon and Yugio.

He has hit his cocky age, don't get me wrong it is cute but it can get real annoying real quick. He thinks he is bigger then he really is.

Age really dosen't matter when it comes to raising children. You will do just fine as long as you are really in it. I mean for the long run. if not the kid is going to know right off the bat they can tell. He is going to test you to see how far he can get. And how much it will take for you to crack he is just finding out how to relate to you.

Keep conversation open, tell him what to expect from you. what is acceptable behavior and what is not right off the bat.

He is going to want a lot of his dads attention. At least in the begining. Some things that may help you to bond is to set up ways to do things together like all three of you get out and throw a football if that is something he enjoys doing. Play with him get to know what he likes and what he dislikes.

He is going to have a lot of adjusting to do with living in a new place and with new rules make sure you talk to his mom and find out what is normal for him. try to keep things on the same level.

Don't force him to call you mom. that will come when he is ready. Other then that just love him and enjoy him. know that a eight year old child can be very demanding and they really need a lot of attention. they want to play with you they want you to draw pictures with them they want to help and the more praise you give him the more coopretive he is going to be.

Don't make the mistake of buying him a lot of stuff right off the bat make sure he has what he needs, but you don't want to appear to be buying him you will go broke and still not have his respect.

Make sure you get a list of foods he likes and try to serve at least one thing he likes to eat at every meal.

eight year old boys want to please, the bigger cheerleader you are the more you are going to get from him really play up what he does that is good. brag about it to his dad if he helps you cary in the groceries or if he draws you a picture or beats you at a video game.

Kids are messy they spill things, they spread all their toys out so you have to remind them to pick things up when they are done with them.

Little boys love to get dirty. Mine is constantly in the creek catching frogs and minnows. They love to catch bugs and worms and all kinds of critters. Anti bacterial soap is a must. They are rough on their clothing so don't buy a bunch of really expencive clothing. buy him nice ones for school yes but make sure he has some old or inexpensive ones that he can play in.

Be yourself from day one. Kids pick up on fake real quick if your not going to put up with him running through the house then don't. I know it will be a tempting thing to do right away, because you are going to want him to like you. but in reality, you will only cause problems. You will get tired of it. And he wont understand why it was ok and now it isn't.

at the age of eight disciplin is rather easy, most of the time all you really have to do is to talk to the child. Let him know what he has done wrong and why he is sitting on the couch being terribly bored. that a way he knows what he did.

Understand that rules may be different so give him lots of warnings and reminders of your rules.

If you expect him to clean up after himself then let him know that from the get go. don't start doing every thing for him and then change every thing in a month.

Remember that there is a lot of adjustment for him he may show emotional signs of missing his mother he may cry or even act out.

allow him to call her often make sure he knows he can have a picture of her if he would like one. Never say any thing bad about his mother. Encourage him to talk about his mom believe me it will help a lot He loves her. and he will appreciate the respect you are giving him.

Talk to him with respect and he will talk to you with respect.

Kids take a long time getting ready so let them know you are leaving in advance. They all have their rituals they have to do.

Relax don't push just have fun and every thing else will come in time.

If you have a major issue to deal with, it is best to allow his father to handel it.

Good luck. I hope every thing turns out great. for your family.
Spend time with him. Sure gifts are nice but quality time is priceless.
Be kind to the little guy. This is going to be a big change for him....and for you. You have the opportunity here to be a positive influence in this little boys life.

I'm sure he likes toys but the best gift of all would be the gift of your time. Get outside and play sports with him, go to the pool, read to him etc. Of course it's a balance. There will be times he will just want to be alone. After a while you will pick up on some of his cues.

Good luck to your family.
He will have to adjust.Now he will be living with his dad and visiting his mother 500 miles away and trying to find out which house he can get away with the most at.He did not create this situation, the adults did.Be patient BUT also let him know theres rules and consequences for breaking them.Be strong and consistent with the discipline, but temper it with patience and understanding.
well, i have an eight year old brother and he is really easy. he likes webkins alot, and loves nickelodean, and he loves to play games like tag, water gun fights, go karts, sports games. he also likes gamecube and video games alot. from what i know 8 year old boys like action games more than calm games, but can sometimes get really crazy and run around alot. i hope i helped.
Don't try to win him with gifts. Pay attention to him and be good to him. You will know what to do, it comes natural. Don't try to take the place of his mom, he will resent you for it. Also, don't try to be his friend, he needs friends his own age.
go to a bookstore and look at the books on parenting or step parenting

as a parent...I have several that I refer to often
Read some parenting books. They'll give you great activity ideas. Just be yourself and ask him what he likes and doesn't like, which will set the tone.

Tell him that you'll talk to him in a couple of days after he's settled in about house rules and whatnot (which should give you time to set up a chart with rules and rewards/consequences for behavior). Then you'll be all set!
I'm no expert, but the one tip I can give is this; be patient.

Best Wishes!
Dint ever try to take the place of his biological mother.Yes he should like Webkins.
y r u asking a computer 4 this kind of advice? u should just try 2 get 2 know him and talk 2 ur husband about him! who knows if he will like a webkinz it all depends on his behaivior and maturity.
The best advise I can give is just love him and treat him like he is yours. I have a step-son and I love him so much. I treat him and love him just as much as I do my son (his younger brother). He will need you to be there for him and be a Mom to him. Best Wishes!!!
are you even married to his father? maybe you should have thought of these issues before getting to this point. do not force anything on him. webkins are kind of girly.

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