Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about my Doctor.....?

At my last appt. he didn't check me or anything and told me he'd see me in a week. Then I went to schedule and they did it for 3 weeks! I am 38 weeks pregnant now! I will not see him until the week after my due date. He doesn't even have another Dr taking his patients. They said if I have a problem go to the hospital. I am so angry. I have had complications with my hips/back and pelvis area and he just keeps giving me pain meds. I am in SO much pain, nothing is working and he didn't even care! I was induced with my 1st one and I would like to be induced with this one because I have been measuring big this entire time and he said I am just going to have a big baby, but then he never gave me a ultrasound. What do I do? I would just go into the hospital but everytime I do that they say they need to speak with my DR. I don't understand they leave me in a situation I have no control over. What do I do at this point? I was having pains yesterday but didn't even have a Dr to call... so II need some advice about my Doctor.....?
sounds like you should make a complaint against this doctor. What he is doing is not right. You should be getting an u/s if they say it's going to be a big baby b/c you might need a c-section.I need some advice about my Doctor.....?
Where is your doctor, on vaction or something. They have to have an oncall doctor. If you have problems call the office, they will get you to someone.
well first off I think you should NOT be on any pain meds

this is not natural.

Second you DO just need to tough it out.

If the doctor isn't there then the doctor in the hospital delivers the baby.

Honestly your the only one who actually NEEDS to be there to push the baby out

As far as measurements, they mean nothing

I was told my baby would be 10 pounds or more but he was only 7lbs

my sister inlaw was told the same thing and her baby was only 5 lbs

As far as induction? Why would you want to force your baby out early, wait and when your doctor comes back you will be full term and then the induction will be fine.

And from your message it seems you have been running to the hospital quite a bit, so your familiar now that they agree with your doctor.

My suggestion is this, think about your baby first

then think about YOU.

Having babies hurts, being pregnant hurts, being a mother hurts, I have 3 of them its painful

But I suck it up , I tough it out for my baby's health

I fractured my tailbone and pelvis and took NO pain meds

and delivered naturally.

I am not saying your faking your pain, but i am saying that everything you put into your body goes into the baby

after he/she is delivered she could go thru withdrawl symptoms, unless your breastfeeding , in which case you will continue to give her the pain meds via breast milk

Something to think about.

Good luck

Call other Dr's office and ask their advice. Some are wary of taking on a patient so far along but it's extenuating circumstances. If that doesnt work, go to the ER, tell them you dont have a doctor, you've never seen a doctor during your pregnancy and you need help.
Oh My goodness! I feel so bad for you! I would be so furious! I don't know what I would do, that is so unprofessional and they should see you every week in the last part of your pregnancy! What was the reason they gave? I know I would not be comfortable with him delivering my child, thats for sure! I would call another doctor and tell them your situation, maybe someone will be compassionate enough to help you out. You need an ultrasound to check the baby's weight, to check and see if he's head down, and they need to check if you are dilated! Is there another hospital in your area? Good luck and I am so sorry you are in this situation.
Find a different doc. Call a new doc's office and explain your situation, I am sure you will find one who will see you immediately. I can't believe he hasn't given you an ultrasound at all. What kind of doc is he?
I would be VERY angry too! I am sorry that this has happened to you. If the pain gets to bad go to the ER they can not refuse to see you especially once you tell them your doctor is unreachable. I thought that doctors had to have an on-call doctor for situations like this.
that is crazy. at this point your dr should most certainly be on top of your care. why did they schedule you for 3 weeks out??? i would demand an earlier appt. no longer than a week. and demand answers about the size of your baby, the ultrasound, etc. and what the best route for you at this point would be (whether it be induction, a section or what). i dont understand some of these drs i hear about on here. i am so sorry you are having so much trouble with yours.
I was shocked to read about your situation!I would call my insurance company tell them everything and they should refer you to another OB.No ultra sounds???Isn't he afraid of a lawsuit?
If there is any other ob/gyn in town or a different hospital, call them and explain your problem. You need to be seen by a competent professional and it you are being treated this way, so may other women using your current doctor. If there's not another doctor, check and see if there's a midwife. Anything would be better than this kind of treatment.

Good luck!
I would definitely call your doctors nurse. I think it's absolutely CRAZY that he would leave with no other doctor on call to see you! I would let her know that you are not ok with the fact that you are in so much pain and there is no doctor to see and ask for a referral for TODAY! If she tells you to go the the ER I would refuse and tell her that you are not hanging up the phone until you have a referral.

Very Best Wishes!
#1 an ultrasound is no more accurate then a clinical assessment (from palpating the baby) to determine fetal weight in the latter half of pregnancy.

#2 Most moms measure 2cm bigger their second pregnancy, its not a big deal and it doesn't mean you are having a big baby.

#3 A doctor or OB has no training in assisting you with your back/hip/pelvic pain. He should have referred you to a physical or occupational therapist. As he didn't you can still get relief from seeing a chiropractor. For a list of a few trained in prenatal care:

#4 Just guessing but by ';check you'; you mean he didn't check for dilation and effacement of the cervix. Dilation and effacement are extremely poor predictors of labour. And even if they weren't what difference would it make? Whether he said you had 2 days left or 2 weeks left wouldn't change the fact that your baby will come when your baby is ready.

I am sorry but the fact of the matter is nobody has much control over pregnancy. We can pretend, we can run all sorts of prenatal tests to make us feel like we do but we don't. We can also treat pregnancy like a disease and over-manage it and put both mom and baby at risk. Inductions are risky in and of themselves, but they also tend to lead to even more interventions that are worse.

If you are really concerned go to the hospital and demand treatment, but you can't force any doctor to do something they consider unethical and many would consider an unneeded induction to be unethical. They can check your baby's heart rate and give you a second opinion on fetal size (which can be off by as much as 2lbs both through ultrasounds and clinical examination). If you are very lucky they might get a physiotherapist down to show you some exercises, but that's about it.
I would make an appointment with another doctor. Tell him the situation and your concerns. If anything, you could get checked out. Maybe a second opinion. Remember, you hired your doctor to see to your care. You can also fire him. If you are not comfortable with him, then find someone else.

If you are having pains or need to be checked out, don't be afraid to go to the hospital if you feel the need to. Better to be cautious than to ignore these things.

If you go to the hospital and feel that you are not getting the treatment you need, ask to speak to the patient advocate. Their job is to hear your concerns and try to resolve the issue.
If your doctor has seen you your entire pregnancy then I am sure that he/she has a good reason for this. If everything is healthy there is really no reason to see you this close to the end, seeing you after your due date makes sense to see where's the baby and see if he/she can get things moving. If you really want to see the doctor sooner, start having sex that helped get things moving for both of our pregnancies. Congrats you will meet your baby soon!
It sounds like you are fixing to go into labor to me. I would say to go to a different doctor and completely explain the situation and tell them that you have not had an ultasound. What kind of insurance do you have (medicaid, tricare, etc.) first of all? Normally you will have to call the insurance company and ask to swtich doctors, and if they ask you why so far into your pregnancy then explain to them what has been going on and don't leave anything out. Hope this helps.
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