Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need advice about this girl?


Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page long email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
Keep in mind that she's in the process of getting over a tough break up. She likes you and just needs a friend and she came right out and told you she considers you only as a friend. You shouldn't be asking us what she's thinking after she told you this and she's not sending you mixed signals.

Respect her wishes, remain friends with her and don't push her for more. When she gets over her ex, she will remember you were there for her when she was hurting. She's being smart by not getting involved with someone as soon as she broke up.

Give her some time and be a good listener and be patient. If you can't do that, you might be doing this girl a favor by finding someone else.I need advice about this girl?
Just be a friend, thats what it seems like she needs right now and that is prob the reason for the emails and missing you. She wants someone to talk to because she is depressed. I think if she liked you more than a friend she would make it more obvious. Keep an eye out but dont read too much into things. Sounds like for now she just wants a friend.
she's sending you mixed signals. so act like a friend be nice to her and be very careful on what you say. because she cud misinterpret something u mite say
I wish I could sugar coat this for you, but from a girl's standpoint, I would say that at this point, you are a nice distraction from her otherwise shaky world. Since you mention that she told you she's going through a break up, odds are, if she does like you, and you both start seeing each other, this is just a -rebound. Unfortunately, this may be an unconscious thing on her part. She needs a distraction, and what girl doesn't like to be around someone she knows like her- the attention from you will help her not to think of her problem too much. But when she is over it, most likely, you two will be over too.

If you really do like her, I think it's best if you be the good friend and help her through her problem, be the shoulder to cry on, and help her cheer up. Even though she seems to be showing you mixed signals at the moment, it may be because she just needs comfort from someone who will most likely reciprocate.

When you know she's in a better state of mind, then it'll be better to persue her as a love interest, so that you know her feelings will be genuine.

As far as the low-self esteem is concerned, try complimenting her, not just when she looks nice, but be specific, like, her shirt really suits her or something. But beyond just physical compliments, tell her how great she is at something, and how she always try at things she loves to do. these compliments though should always be heartfelt for them to work. Trust me, she'll know if you're just saying it to say it.

I know this is lengthy, but I hope it helped you a little. sorry to have been so harsh in the beginning, but it's better so you don't get hurt. =o) Best of luck.
Then wait for her, try to comfort her, spend more time with her. Girls always like having a nice guy around.

Good Luck,

shes getting to know you she wants you to make the move again, trust me ima a girl, ive been there done that.
as a girl i think she likes you but is too shy to admit it even when u bring up the subject. I think you should spend more time getting to know her and she'll warm up to you.
she likes you and probably as more than a friend but she is going through some stuff and she is not ready let her chill a little and let a little romance evolve! I MEAN ASK HER TO DO STUFF WITH YOU! like movies, dinner you know date type stuff.
Always be sweet and loving. Give her hugs and don't involve sex with it. However, she is the only one that can find true happiness with herself. You can't give her that. She needs her own happiness if she will ever be able to love another individual. Love her and be nice to her..........Don't expect much except that she needs to start finding things about herself to love aside from yourself.
she might just need u as for friend right now but then she might realise that ur a really good friend and wud b an even better bf. u need to tell her how u c her in ur eyes an reassure that shes a great person on the inside and out and that her ex bf was a dumb jerk for dumping her! =D good luck!!
It sounds like she likes you to. Keep in mind that she just got out of a serious relationship and she's probably worried she'll get hurt again. If you guys are such close friends, and you were to date, what if it didn't work out. That's probably what she's thinking. Just keep complimenting her and be there for her as a friend. She'll come around soon. Just keep hangin wtih her and be her Best Friend. Girls like it better when your friends first. It's much more of a turn on. Good Luck..
It really just depends on her age. ';Most'; people go for the rebound after a relationship ends. It does sound like she likes you and maybe doesn't want to jump into anything right away because rebounds usually NEVER last.

My sister is alot like this girl. She is 21 and just can't make up her mind about boys/men. She tends to lead them on and then lets them go. I've told her a thousand times that this isn't the way to be, just be single or be with ONE person. People with low self esteem HAVE to constantly have attention. Until she gets herself together, I would just remain friends with her.

That means, no making out, no dates, and no drunken one night stands. She's very vulnerable and woman with low self esteem usually let themselves get drunk and do things that they'll regret later. If you really care for her, watch out for her and NEVER take advantage even if she's asking for it. (unless you really feel that she knows what she's doing).

This is a long answer, but I hope it helps.
comfort her, give her a warm smile, and everything will fall into place
shes confused. all girls are like this sometimes. she probably hates herself becuz of her break up. maybe hates guys right now too. but tell her that shes wonderful and you love talking to her, and you feel sorry for that guy cuz he is missing out on such a lovely person. if things keep up, she will probably want to be with you. after a break up its kind of hard to tell. girls will go to the next guy they see and just talk to them because they need the affection. but i really think she likes you. so dont rush. just keep her company. tell her shes awsome, or you love chatting with her. :]
I think give her time sometimes we like to be alone to lick our wounds and sometimes we don't want to be save we just want someone to love us. Have a care and don't be pushy but just be there.

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