Saturday, December 19, 2009

I NEED advice!! About three guys....?

These three guys are all friends and they keep checking me out and whispering to each other whenever they see me. Firstly, what so you think they`re saying? Does one of them like me? If not, why are they looking at me? Is it possible that they all like me? (that sounds really concieted; honestly I`m surprised that they`re looking) Any other answers you have at all about this would be appreciated.I NEED advice!! About three guys....?
you might want to ask young are they? one or all may want to have sex with you. but i would ask them whats the deal?I NEED advice!! About three guys....?
They want to tag team you! Good luck with that.
I would just ask them to find out
Well, it's either one of two things.

Possibility 1) They think you're cute and are trying to decide which one of them will make the first move.

Possibility 2) You have something in your teeth and they're trying to decide whether or not to tell you.
well it sounds like they like but...they could also be talking bad about you too. Do they laugh and whisper or just talk then stair at u? cuz if they whisper and stair then maybe they just cant get u out of there well hope that helped!! good luck
u might have something hanging out of your never know!
They are probably asking each other the same questions you are asking now.
It is certain that itleast one likes you. But just to make sure go ask them. If all three likes you that would be even better for you (unless there dorks lol) just kidding. SO give it a shot good luck.

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