Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about carbohydrate..please.....?

My doctor is putting me on a diet to eat a small amount of Carbohydrate a day!

What kinds of food have a small amount of carb?

Any ideas of meals I can eat?Advice about carbohydrate..please.....?
During the first 2 weeks, you can have several cups of salads. Jicama, cucumber, celery %26amp; radish marinated in sesame oil %26amp; hot pepper flakes with rice wine vinegar %26amp; artificial sweetener. Make a stir fry with Bok Choy, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, celery, mushrooms, shirataki noodles %26amp; your fav meats. I love eggs and could eat deviled eggs every day. You can smother omelets %26amp; meats with mushrooms %26amp; peppers %26amp; cheese. Pork rinds %26amp; celery sticks are great crunch and can be eaten with dips (avocado/mayo/cayenne is my fav) %26amp; tuna/chicken/turkey/egg salads. I love love love my rotisserie and it makes the meats extra tasty. I cook a turkey every couple of months and make soup with the bones (add vinegar to leach minerals) and turkey salads. I'll cube up some turkey meat mix in a couple of raw eggs add cheese (and broccoli after induction) with cayenne powder %26amp; nuke a couple of minutes for nearly instant meal. Flax seed should be eaten 2T daily even in induction.

Ground flax seed (2 Tbsp) 1/4 cup water, artificial sweetener, mix in a raw egg - let sit 10 min. to absorb liquid, put some cream cheese in the middle %26amp; nuke 2 minutes. Suggested for daily fiber needs.

You can lose more body fat eating protein %26amp; fat (don't eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast, eat all you want, but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter %26amp; half an avocado a day (for added potassium). Keep the calories high %26amp; the fat percentage high, at least 65% of calories. Green vegetables %26amp; some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.

The body won't release fat stores if you lower calories below what it needs. It will slow metabolism to compensate %26amp; store every spare ounce as fat. If you continue lowering calories, it will continue lowering the set point, til it can survive off nothing %26amp; store fat on anything. The body will only release it's fat stores if it knows there is plenty of nutritious food.

Eating carbs while trying to lose body fat is terribly inefficient. When in glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) you have to lower your calories (which slows your metabolism) %26amp; exercise heavily to deplete your glycogen stores before burning body fat.

The core of Atkins program is converting the body from glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) to ketosis (burning fat as fuel). Dietary fat levels need to be at %26gt;65% of total calories, if not, the body will still remain in glycolysis by converting 58% of excess protein into glucose (via gluconeogenesis).

It takes minimum of 3 days to convert a body to ketosis, (but only one bite to convert back to glycolysis). People feel sluggish the first week but most feel better than ever thereafter.

Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) trigger insulin which can store the calories eaten into fat. The more protein the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.

Simple carbs are addictive %26amp; can be disastrous to health. The best way to break the addiction is NO carbs for 3 days. Make a huge batch of deviled eggs, eat one every time you want ';something'; - have huge omelets with bacon, sausage, peppers, mushrooms %26amp; cheese. Pork chops smothered with peppers, mushrooms %26amp; cheese - pork rinds %26amp; dip or tuna/chicken/turkey/egg salad - steaks - a huge sugar free cheese cake. Eat so much you won't feel deprived of anything. By the 4th day, the addiction will be gone %26amp; you can start making healthy choices.

High insulin levels promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger %26amp; unbalance other hormones. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones %26amp; allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels.

The first 2 weeks eat several cups a day of (mostly) lettuce %26amp; celery, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms, peppers %26amp; more variety of vegetables thereafter - add 5 grams per day additional every week (20 grams day first 2 weeks, 25grams 3rd week, 30grams 4th week etc) til you gain weight, then subtract 10grams. That will be your personal carb level (everyone is different %26amp; depends on how active you are.)

Start with meat, fats %26amp; salads for 2 weeks and then slowly add in more green veg, wk4 fresh cheeses, wk5 nuts %26amp; seeds, wk6 berries, wk7 legumes, wk8 other fruits, wk9 starchy veg, wk10 whole grains. You will learn how your body reacts to different foods.

As long as you have %26lt;9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control %26amp; shouldn't gain weight, no matter the calories. Many people gain weight on high carb, do low carb to lose weight %26amp; then are shocked when they return to high carb %26amp; gain weight. Many people can return to moderate carb levels but very few can really eat all they want of sugar %26amp; maintain weight or health.Advice about carbohydrate..please.....?
Meats, cheeses, and fats are not considered carbs. Most vegetables are very low in carbs, so you ought to be able to have those, too. Water, coffee, tea and diet drinks are all fine.

You need to cut bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and sugary foods.

It depends on how low-carb you have to go. You may be able to have a slice of bread or a small portion of fruit, pasta, rice or potatoes. Best way is to get a carb counter or use one online.

Examples of almost no-carb meals:


mushroom omelet

huevos rancheros (eggs with onions, green peppers, tomatoes, spicy sauce)

zucchini pancakes

Lunches and dinners:

baked fish, asparagus with cheese sauce

chicken stirfry with all kinds of vegetables

lean beef, broccoli

bean chili
The site below offers a free food diary that calculates and keep track of your carbs for you. You would want to look at veggies, lots of them. Avoid bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and all sugars.
Wow good doctor.

Eat meats, nuts, fish, veggies, a limited amount of fruits, dairy and seafood.

Absolutely no grains (bread, pasta, cereals, flour, chips, corn, rice, etc.)

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