Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need advice about my dad?

Everytime I get my dad's phone number he changes it...I haven't seen him in like 4 years...he picked his new g/f over me(step-mommy#9)...and I have no way to find him or to get in cotact with him...he used to be on probation but now he's not so there's no way to see him when he comes to go to court...and he filed for banktruptcy-and he never pays mom tells me I used to worship the ground he waled on...I used to be such a daddy's girl...and I kinda miss that!I need advice about my dad?
My moms second husband adopted me or so I thought until now. I am 35 and just found out that the paper work was never filled and my name was never legally changed,so now I not only have to change my last name I have 3 kids. I worshiped the ground my dad walked on also but not any more. I was a dad's little girl to the point that I got to skip school and ride in the semi to Florida to see my grandparents. After everything that he has done to me and my kids I won't talk to him. I have left it up to my kids whether or not they want to talk to there grandpa. I am getting on with my life and am happier than I have been in a long time. I am married and to me it doesn't matter whether or not he is in my life. I have a step-dad whom is more of a dad to me than any for my dads have ever been.I need advice about my dad?
I'm sure you love him, and I feel for you. But, if he keeps changing his phone # and is avoiding you, you need to let go for awhile. At least until he comes to his senses and re-discovers what a wondeful daughter he has in you. Don't worry, give him time, he will.
That's a tough break Tinkerbell. I don't have an answer for you.

Just that my heart is with you. God bless
That's sad to hear.Do you think its all his girlfriend idea.maybe he thinks ever time you call you want money,But what ever it is, he is still your dad.He will come to his sense's soon.Good bless
~It's all of a sudden bothering you.. I was like that too, but it will pass.

Your dad is irresponsible and doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself.

He doesn't want to pay Child Support, so he avoids you and your mom for fear that she can tell Support Enforcement where he is.

I'm in the same situation with my ex. I wouldn't blame the women, it's his responsibility and he's the one avoiding it.

Kids are always cute when they're little and my daughter was a daddy's girl also. She still misses him, but it's better that he is out of her life since he doesn't care enough to help her financially, he tells lies, promises everything and doesn't follow through. He's a drug addict/alcoholic/womanizer and is a bad influence.

You're better off without him. Be thankful you have your mom, she will always love you. Don't blame her for his lack of responsibility.

Merry Christmas.~
It sounds as if your Dad's girlfriend is pretty much controlling his life right now. That may not be for very long, considering it sounds as if he gets over women pretty frequently. Maybe you just need patience to let him get over her.

Or, maybe he finally sees that he's a bad influence on you. You said he was on probation - maybe he doesn't want you looking up to him any more because he thinks you may get in trouble too.

It's hard to say without finding out what type of conversations you have managed to have with him.

Are you demanding of his time when you do get in touch with him? Don't drive him further away by expecting him to do things he isn't ready to do yet.

Does he talk to you at all when you phoned him before or does he avoid you altogether?

Does his girlfriend answer the phone? It may be the girlfriend changing the phone number.

I think it's best to wait it out, as frustrating as that might sound, until he realizes what he's missing. Or, what does your Mom recommend? I know you don't always want to do what your Mom says, but she knows him better than you (since you 'worshiped'; him, you probably don't know what he's REALLY like). Listen to your Mom.
Sometimes fathers aren't as mature as their daughters. I am sorry that you have had to go through that crap. It sounds like a lot of dead-beat dads I know. I would write him a letter, tell him how you feel and leave it at that. THe ball is in his court and if he wants to be in your life he will do the responsible thing, if not, your better off without him.

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