Wednesday, December 23, 2009

GUYS: i need some advice about guys!!!?

how do i approach a guy that i like?

how do i tell him that i am truly in love with him?

are guys extremely pushy on the girls, or do they take it slow? (and when i say pushy, i think u know what i mean..)

if the guy that i am truly in love with is my best friend, should i date him?

please guys out there... answer my question...and if you could give me any more advice that would be awesome...

thanks!GUYS: i need some advice about guys!!!?
1. How do i approach a guy that i like?

By walking up to him and talking.

2. How do i tell him that i am truly in love with him?

You don't. For one thing, if you are asking how to approach him, it would seem unlikely to me that you know him well enough to be in love with him. I'll assume you're in high school, tops. It's a crush, not love. There's a difference. Don't tell him; high school boys don't know what love is - most of them equate it with either sex, or a girl acting weird and clingy. If you tell someone who doesn't even really know you that you're in love with them, and they react the way you hope they will, that's because they assume you're going to be an easy lay.

3. Are guys extremely pushy on the girls, or do they take it slow?

Mature guys consider the girl's feelings and place the relationship above their own physical needs. Immature high school boys who think with their balls and not their brains will be pushy and do and say whatever it takes to have sex with you.

4. If the guy that i am truly in love with is my best friend, should i date him?

Only if you are willing to risk losing him as a best friend, the odds of which are considerable.GUYS: i need some advice about guys!!!?
Firstly, if he's you best friend you should be able to talk to him about every thing.

Secondly, you need to know if he likes some one. If not then it's easier for you.

If I were you I would talk to him at night on phone for long hours, best friends can talk forever. Even messages would do. This way he gets addicted to talking to you and if he's hooked or I should say becomes interested he'll message or call you if you forget or something. You sometime will purposely need to forget to talk or sms.

This will take some time. Eventually when you are on good talking basis and when you can trust him, you tell him that you truly love him and what do you expect of your (you and him) relationship. If it makes sense to him, which it will only if your careful, then he'll probably love you too.

If you could describe the guy perhaps an extra advice could be given. Because not all guys are pushy. I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you here.

By the way, in my opinion best friends make perfect boyfriends because they understand what we feel and we understand them too.

Hope this helps you!
Guys will love it if a girl approaches them, there's so much pressure on a guy to make the first move. if u know him even vaguely, try find a conversation starter or a question to ask him. A simple thing that most guys will love is just walking up and saying ';Hi, I'm (your name)'; and a hand shake. If he's sitting, (in a bar, school, college, park bench etc.) just walk up and ask ';is this seat taken?'; than just start talking.

U might wanna wait a while until you tell him you love him, for a girl to suddenly come up and express her undying love would kind of freak you out!!!

About the pushy thing, everyone's different.

And if the guy you like is your best friend, by all means go for it!!! If you are friends then it will not be out of the ordinary to get his msn or number or ask him ot the cinema or the park or something.

Hope I helped
one don't go up to a guy you like and tell him you love him it will freak him out, it would freak me out lol.

if you like a guy just approach nice and calm and just talk get to know each other and see where it leads ya.

and with pushy and slow depends on the guy and what you want. if the guy is pushy say you want to take it slow he should listen.

the best friend thing depends if you ready to risk the best friend but i say go for it. might turn out to be your soul mate you never know.
i dont think all guys are pushy like me im not

im having the same problem with the girl i like only diffrence is shes not a friend yet...

but if the dude is nytihng like me he will prolly take it slow

and as for telling him just come out with it thts what i would want but in a privatey place not out in public tho
i think you should be honest with him. Tell him how you feel and if he feels the same way. Then you got a couple, but if he doesn't i wouldn't risk loosing your best friend. Tell him when the time is right. good luck :)
if you feel good about him then just ask him out to a date. i would love it if a girl asked me to a date.


/ \ u think that if you date then afterwards if it ends badly will you two still be friends think about that
What the fuc* this is not Mcdonalds? So I can't get a Fish filet?
Mate I have Mcdonalds you saved.

anyway, erm are you like 11?
ask him to hangout
ask him to hang with you [=

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