Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need advice from real skaters about Almost Vs. Enjoi?

I know they're both great boards but i need to know which one will last longest etc. etc.pros and cons but don't say that one sucks dick or something negative like that.

(im going to get either one so just help me)I need advice from real skaters about Almost Vs. Enjoi?
both are decent decksI need advice from real skaters about Almost Vs. Enjoi?
enjoi lasts longer but not by much it has cooler logos and its one of the lightest boards around, almost is light but not as light its has better turning hands down and it has uber light wich makes the board light if your into tricks get almost it seems more balanced if u just care how it looks like get enjoi itl last longer but it comes at a price harder to do tricks my oppinion almost
they are both very good

they both have very good boards

i prefer enjoi cool graphics and last long

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