Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Help I need some advice about my wife!?

My wife wants/is going to go to medical assisting college. From everyting it seems I read and ask(on here) the colleges are not very good and the jobs are hard to get and dont pay very much, I have tried to give subtle opinions on what I think. But she is really exited about going. Should I sit back and hope it works out, Or should I try and discourage her? Im kinda lost on this oneHelp I need some advice about my wife!?
We men should never discourage our wives from anything they want to pursue, unless, of course it would cause harm to her or others.

Additionally, and contrary to what you believe, careers in health care are exploding. As the populations ages, advances in medicine, etc., etc., etc., there is an immediate need for people to work in this industry.

And, if your wife really enjoys working in this field, she may even want to add to her education for other opportunities.

Good luck!Help I need some advice about my wife!?
Talk to her. Show her how this might not be a good future career. If she is still excited, then support her 100%.
Are you serious? I don't know where you are located but in GA, we can't get enough people in the medical field, especially RNs. There are many grants out there for this field to incourage more folks to sign up for it. Besides that, you should never discourage someone from pursuing their hopes and will always blow up in your face.
If she's interested in going into the medical field, try to convince her to get an LPN, which is a VERY lucrative field.

Short of that, hey, if she's excited about it, let her go for it. If it's a mistake she'll learn from it, but at least she'll know her husband supported her in doing what she wanted to do.
Nothing wrong, the pay is great,

and better than if she had NO degree,

it is only 2 years, i would encourage her, into perhaps nursing but then again thats 4 years,

so again, nothing to worry about

NEVER discourage your family,

She is betterinher
You must support your wife rather than make your feelings obvious. If you pursuade her from going she will resent you in the long run and maybe she will get lucky with a good job and you can both reap the rewards later on. Or is it that you hve other issues about he fleeing your safe nest. have a think
Let her live her dreams, maybe it can work out. If it doesn't, better that she learn this by life instead of holding a grudge because you didn't support her.
let her live her dreams , I always thought the medical profession paid me pretty well.........
Look into some alturnative schools she could go to and then tell her what you have heard about the school she wants to go to. You don't want to throw away your money or waste her time. It is wonderful you want to support her but you also have to be smart.
It's her life. Give your opinion and pass on any information you have learned about it, then let her decide. She's an adult and can decide for herself.
I think you should support your wife's aspirations and let her try to find her way up.
Just because jobs are not easy to get, doesn't mean she can't get one. Sure, they're not as high paying as you'd like, but unless you encourage her to further her schooling, she's probably not going to find a well paying job she enjoys. I think your wife should do her own research into her program, talk with career counsellors at her college and make up her own mind. You'd be a bad husband if you didn't support her decision.
You should support whatever it is she wants to do. That is a role of a GOOD husband. Are you starving for money? Can you afford college right now? These are the only two things you should worry about. There is more to a job than have to be content with what you do everyday, and if this is the occupation she needs to make her happy, who are you to discourage her?
If you are okay with her going to school in general and it is within your budget, then you should support her dreams.
Encourage her in all she does, if she felt passionate about being a apple picker then that's her reality. Some marriages end because of lack of support, be a pillar to her and not trust to much in what you read, cause anything could happen if you both believe.
The question should be why are you have such a hard time with her going to college? The medical field is very good right now. There is such a shortage in all areas. If you love her, support her. If it does not work out do not say I TOLD YOU SO. Be there.
Medical assisting college? I assume she wants to be a nurse? If that is the case let her do it. Nurses are in high demand. As long as she does well in college she won't have any trouble at all getting a job.
Encourage her to go to medical school! I wouldn't discourage her, unless the money is going to bankrupt your family. Your wife is motivated to improve herself, she will feel better about herself, and she will repay any encouragement you give her in ways that you will really enjoy! Besides, once she gets into class, she may change her mind about her calling. But if she feels strongly that this is the profession she will be happy in, help her make it through!

Besides, if you discourage her, she will have you to blame for the rest of your lives if she feels she missed an opportunity, that's something that could evolve into much worse!
I am surprised in what you heard. I thought anything in the medical field is the way to go. Instead of giving her subtle hints-come right out and ask her if she ever heard about anyone having trouble getting a job or if the pay isn't good?
If you don't let her try it, she will never be able to experience what she wanted to. Be supportive and if it doesn't work out stay supportive don't say ';I told you so'; U know? :)

Your doing fine, just let her do it
The medical field is more about fulfilling the need to take care of others. I don't think you should discourage her at all if thats what she has a passion for let her do it. School teachers are paid **** but they love what they do so it fulfills their mental state of mind..... Encourage her to do her best and not accept failure.
The worse thing you can do is to try and talk her out of something she clearly wants to do. Let her go to college and encourage her the whole time she is there. If it were you how would you feel if you really had your mind set on doing something and your wife fought you the whole time. Be excited for her and if you let her do this she will love you all that much more. When husbands fight us on things we really want to do a little love and respect goes with it. You should be so proud of your wife for wanting to better herself. Think of the extra money she will bring in when she graduates and gets a job in the medical field. Remember when the wife is happy she will make you happy.
I am a Registered Nurse, and I will say this. She can use this as a building stone, do not discourage her. There is a huge shortage of nurses, and medical assistants are hired everywhere, in doctors offices and hopsitals. Let her feel good about herself for going to school, and once she has her diploma, she can go on to nursing school and get in easier and have an easier time in nursing school after already have work experience as a MA. Let her be excited! We need all sorts of people in the medical feild, never a shortage of jobs.
Yeah most colleges that offer ';medical Assisting'; are severely overpriced and you will eventually pay that pack. The most you will expect to make with that is around $15hr. Still a degree is a degree and at least she'll be a professional something. But my gf did this and works at the local drugstore. So I would encourage her to try something else.
If this is her dream and she's enjoying herself, then I wouldn't worry about the practical end of things. Those courses don't take too long and aren't as expensive as a 4 yr college so what's the harm? Right now, it's more important that she feel supported and loved than for you to be ';right.';
sit back.

if it's what she wants to do, you shouldn't try and change that.
Encourage her of course. Sit back and know it will work. Your her husband, you should stand by her, no

negativity. She's excited, be excited with her. You ever hear of the Law of Attraction? If so use it..If not find out about it..


Save the discouraging words for situations that are clearly illegal, grievously stupid, or inevitably disastrous and harmful.

None of which apply here. C'mon; this is important to her, she deserves your moral support if not enthusiasm. It may very well work out much better than you think -- hey, I'm often a cynic as well -- but you'll both never know if she doesn't try.

Express your concerns, assert that you'll stand behind her in this whether she flies or falls, and then do that. It's part of being a worthy husband.
well maybe it wasn't in the vows but I'm pretty sure when you marry you should support your spouse, especially if it's something she wants to do and isn't causing damage to anyone...she's excited, be excited for her and help her wirh job searches, resumes, and other things to ensure she gets a decent job.

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