Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need a little advice about my relationship!!!?

my man and I have been together for a while. The other day he asked me to have his baby. He a very great man and he will be here for me and mine but I know having a baby isnt easy at all!hes grinding and he has a job and he get h**h all the time he stay out to 4 in the morning but he says hes not cheating on me at all. Hes a good man and i love him but our relationship aint prefect. I scared that if i get pregant and have his baby he will leave but con. taking care of his child. I want my child to have a family so basiclly would you have a baby/ ****** would you leaveI need a little advice about my relationship!!!?
Follow your instinct! If your gut is telling you it is wrong, IT IS WRONG!!! Believe in yourself, trust your own judgement and if you don't trust this man - LEAVE HIM! Be good to you and you'll know when the time (and the man) is right for having a baby. xI need a little advice about my relationship!!!?
attention him that a baby will ask esspecialy time from bouth of you...if he's ready to sacrifice his career for a baby...than is ok!
I would say to him that if he wanted me to have his baby, what type of responsibilities is he williing to provide. Is he going to marry you first? Is he going to provide for the baby and be there for the baby? If any of those questions are no, then decide where you want this relationship to go. It's not impossible, but much harder for a woman with a baby to find another man. Think of this. Are you ready yourself to be tied down with a baby?
In answering some of your questions. Don't you even wonder what he is doing until 4:Am ? Does he tell you what he's doing until 4:am in the morning ? About getting H**H ! Do you know that,that stuff is in his blood stream as well as in his body chemistry ? Having a baby is a big step in life. And what about the baby ? And the body chemistry of the Father ? Please think about that ! Try not to let (( Love )) blind you in making your mind up. And for your main question.... To have the Family that you really want...((Leave)).
Think about marriage first, baby second.
Tel him il have your baby once we get married if he cant wait throw him out. By the way do u think dat u ready to have a baby.
wait until you're married and with a man that wants to be with you and not with his friends/other girlfriend until 4 o'clock in the morning
Take a good hard look at your situation. Are you just staying with him cause he tells you he loves you and you need the security blanket or is it a 2 way street where you both feel the same towards each other. He's also a pot head. Do you want your kid raised around a pothead???? I'd bet he's doin someone else if he stays out til 4 am without you on a regular basis. Get real and get married before you have a kid. The world doesn't need another single welfare mother with 3 kids.
If you love him, and it sounds like you do, tell him that you'd love to have his baby once you are married. Simply explain to him that you don't want to bring a child into the world until you can provide that child with a proper family.

This accomplished two things, it lets him know you love him enough to have his child but it allows you to dictate some reasonable long term relationship goals to him... Don't tell him you'll have his baby unless you mean it though. It's better to be honest and tell him no if that is where your heart is.
Perhaps the responsibility of having a child would make get his act together?
id leave him mate, sounds like hes a player and wants you to have baby to keep you as hes insecure....find someone that respects you enough to be with you and not out at 4 in morning, i mean, come on, whats he doing at 4 in morning...having affair/drugs/secretly gay.....finish it and use condoms ffs.
It sounds like you want the best for your future children, and you should be applauded for that.

It is my opinion that the man you are with is not ready for kids. If he stays out all hours of the night, gets high, and works as well, there is no way he could help you with a baby.

Your baby needs a loving family. I think that you will make a great mother from what you have said and the concerns you have voiced; but the man you are with is not ready for a child, and frankly I think that you deserve better. I would not stay in a relationship with him right now. That does not mean in the future he will not change, but right now you should not stick around.

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