Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need advice about a boy......should i call him?

Im 14, i go to a school where almost everyone makes fun of u.I like a boy named Adam and im too shy to talk to him(too shy to even give him a note but i do). a bunch of my friends wont leave me alone about it at all especially after today at lunch.He sat by me and my friends.I think one of my friends told him.I was really bored and i found his number in the phone book and i want to know if i should call him or not cause i dont want him to think that im a stalker or something like that....what do i do?I need advice about a boy......should i call him?
unless he gives u his #, don't call. but if u don't make an excuse on why u r calling (hw help)I need advice about a boy......should i call him?
It's been my experience (29 years of it) that a man/boy will definately let you know if he likes you. I say don't call him. Expect him to call. Expect him to send you notes. Expect men, boys and all people in general to treat you with the respect and diginity you deserve as a human being. If he doesn't, it's okay. He's just making room for the guy who will. Then, YOU can decide if he's worth the effort. You're a woman-in-training, and women, by design, inspire greatness in men, just by existing. Let them do the heavy lifting.
Relax, let him talk to you if he wants to talk to you......Don't call him, it's going to freak him out.
Yes you should call him, if you dont you could lose him. He will not think you are a stalker, Just call him
aw hell just call him! unless hes a total asshole hes not gonna call u a stalker or anything like that... i wish girls would do that more often!
Tell him u were looking through the phone book and just happen to see his number. Maybe he will give you the green light. But remember educate your thinking
dont call him untill he gives u his number...hes goin to think ur beging him to talk to u....just wait a little longer and if he dosent like u then dont waist ur wasnt ment to be.......good luck
If someone had done that to me .. I would think there were a stalker! But there is nothing wrong with being 14 and likeing a guy! If its just puppy love :)
no hun i thing that you should get the courage to call him dont be scared you can do it i blieve in you and you will be great \\

:} :}:}:}:}:

let me know how it goes hun
Let him come after you it is funner that way then calling pretend he was never born and then if nothing happens after a week or two call him then go with the flow
you should call him when he gives you his number...not when you find it in the phone book...
Hmm...sounds like a bad school...well what I would do is call him up (by yourself please, i dont like it when a girl calls with a bunch of her friends, i know that might be hard but you can do it!) and pretend that you have some sort of question involving homework (cliched i know.. %26gt;.%26lt;) then after the first time you will become more comfortable talking to him! Good luck, i know guys can be thickheaded but ya gotta hang in there!
no u should not cause look at ur age.

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