Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need some legal advice about felonies please help!?

Im from Michigan and two undercover officers came to my home. They told me they had to recorded buys from me. Both small amounts of marjuana. So they said I could recive 2 felonies for that and one for running a drug house. They made it seem way worse then it was. I hired a attorney he said they may drop them down to misdemnors or they may not. I have not been in any type of trouble in 6 years. And I have never been in trouble for selling pot before. I am a college student and I know a felony would ruin my life. Any advice would be greatly apprecited. Please no comments like do the crime do your time! Trust me this was a huge mistake that I am deeply sorry for.I need some legal advice about felonies please help!?
for one, I would fight it all the way regardless of what they tell ya if you lose. Usually they don't have enough evidence to pursue the case all the way to trial. and who ever did the buy on you, if you fought the charges will have to testify against you. more then likely that won't happen. they don't want you to know who it was. that puts them at risk.

Get a good lawyer, not a state hired one. for they are only in the best interest of the state no you.

if you plead guilty you will have 2 felonies on your record. if you fight it, then you take a chance of not having them on your recored. if you lose, then you still endup with the same results as if you didnt fight it. its better to come up a winner, then not fight and be a loser..

don't let them do this to you.. you can change your life, now is the red flag to do so.

before you end up locked up and losing everything, I know, I ve been there, done that and I listened to those state pretenders, they are not defenders. atleast not for your best interest. get a good lawyer and fight it all the way to trial if you have to..I need some legal advice about felonies please help!?
If you have a lawyer and plead guilty, it may get dropped down. It may not. Depends on the prosecutor and the judge. Also your record, your amount of remorse, ect, ect.
It Sort Of Depends On How Much You've Sold, How Long You've Sold It. And If They Got You On Tape, Then There Is A Slimmer Chance Of It Being Dropped To A Misdemeanor. It Alson Depends On The Prosecutor.
Call the da or have your atty call the da and ask him what you have to do to avoid ruining your life and get this down.

Assuming everything here is what happened; sounds like you may have left out a little; 2 recoreded buys; how many actual have there been? And quantities?

You may be a big problem and they may decide that felony is the answer.
Did they had a warrant to enter your house? permission to video typed you? You attorney can file a motion to suppress evidence depending in how they obtained evidence against you.
Knowing that ';pot'; is illegal, you take things into your own hands by ';doing the crime';. If you can get charges reduced to misdemeanors then stay clean for a few years you can get it expunged, and have a clean record, but don't mess up again or your done.

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