Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I started asking for advice about my wife on Yahoo questions...?

.... now she has started to physically hit me when she reads my questions... is this abuse?I started asking for advice about my wife on Yahoo questions...?
Any violence against the spouse is spousal abuse dear. There are as many men, sadly that are abused as women. The men are just to embarrassed to report it. However, once a person hits another, the situation only esclates, it never gets any better. My suggestion to you is, seek counseling. Marriage counselors are like cough syrup, get one that works for you though ok. However as a survior of abuse myself I can tell you some things that you can do ok. 1. Make yourself an escape plan, I'm serious hun, if she is hitting you, it could turn really ugly really fast. 2. Make yourself a plan of action once you are free, a safe place for you to go and stay for a while. 3. Once there, call the police hun, file a report, and do not repeat do not back down. Under the eyes of the law you ARE a VICTIM, its up to you to be a SURVIVOR. Don't be like me, and wait for knives and guns, marrital rape, and other ugly things to go on. Catch it from the beginning and stop the abuse now.I started asking for advice about my wife on Yahoo questions...?
yes it is and abuse is abuse tell her to stop it.....
I've seen your profile page and your questions. Tell your wife to hit you once for me too! LOL
Yahoo questions or Yahoo answers?

She should thrash you like you owe her money.
You need to have this woman locked up, there are laws against that.
No I would hit my husband to if he asked questions about me
At least she isn't emotionally hitting you... and i seem to get the feeling you LIKE being hit! Wierdo!
I looked at your mean questions like this one

Sigh , Do I look okay? Advice?

I just don't know.... do you think I look okay, I can't seem to get a date.

Yup she had a right to slap you....unless you don't have a wife.
what was the question again? :-)
No, id hit you too. its about her! lol.
Well, yes; but what did you ask??
No its revenge.
Yes it is abuse, unless she's hitting you in fun, like a playful slap. What kind of questions have you been asking about her?
maybe you just have to be more careful about your questions :)
well depends what you were asking women dont like to spoken about behind there backs and especially whene its there husbunds.if you were my husbund speaking behind my back i would thump you over the assss and a whole lot more ,respect your wife and how she feels your abusing your relationship with her by going behind her back
LOL Yeah, I think that might be abuse...
Sound like a love hit to me. Not a hit as abuse , Like a say good job or are u joking friendly touch

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