Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about my babys dad my baby's dad?

i have a sixweek old son and iam sixteen the daddy is 19 he won't do any thing i have a job i do everything i can for him but i think he needs a father growing i never seen my dad i don't want that for my child please help i need advice on what to do. please e-mail meNeed advice about my babys dad my baby's dad?
First of all (here comes the lecture)

You should of thought of that before you and your boyfriend created a child. It was quite selfish of you to create this wonderful child and not think of the consequences.

He seems way to young to even want to be a dad right now. It seems you wont be able to talk to him or get him to listen. Worrying about what that child will grow up like or consider the childs feelings as they grow is fartherest thing from his mind.

You can try to improve the situation by taking the child around more, trying to let him help take care of the baby, see if a bond can be formed. Talk about what they could experience together as they get older. Try to spark those feelings he could have for the child.

If that does not work then you may have to face the fact that he may not want to be a part of the childs life. It is sad but true. You can have a blood test and start child support. This will help with getting things for the baby and what the baby needs. Of course this will not improve your and his relationship though.Need advice about my babys dad my baby's dad?
Leave him if he does not change his ways. He needs to be a man help provide for the family, eventhough he is a young father. If he is going to continuely be a jerk, leave and make him pay for child support, which is required by the way. Its expensive, about $300-$400 a month. I'm sure you will find someone else that will come along a help care for you and your baby. But right now, you need to focus on you and your baby. Finish school!!
i am not going to talk down on you because you no what it is all about now .i hope you and your child all the best in the world . if i was you i would have the dad pay child support ,sign his rights away,or go to jail if he is a dead beat yall dont need him anyway with god you can take care of him may god watch over you both with lots of love and praiers
If you are not living with you can sue him for child support.
you can go to social services and they will help you establish paternity (that has to be done first before you can get child support) then they can help you with the forms to file to get child support. On a personal note- I was a teenage mom as well and his father was in prison for the first 6 years of my son's life. My son is 8 and I still havnet seen 1 penny from him because he refused to work and he's in and out of prison. My advice to you is stay strong take care of your baby because no one else will love him like you and do your best to get your education. It can be done I had no one to help me at times I was even homeless at one time but I worked my butt off and got a college degree so that I can give the best life for my son with or without his dad.
Take him to court for child support, If you are 16 now that means you were probably 15 when you got pregnant and he was 18. Does he realize that is viewed as statutory rape? Due the age factor He is actually more responsible for your being pregnant than you were. He most certainly should be supporting his child!
Well, there you go. The cycle repeats itself. More than likely, you child will do the same. I guess you're beginning to realize what your mother figured out years ago. That 19-year-old said whatever he said because he wanted to get in your pants. Now the results are in and he wants nothing to do with you or the baby. I bet he even tells people that it isn't his. That's why you need to grow up and get married to a good man before you have children. Good luck!
Well, you can try to force him legally with child support, etc. However, I'd look long-term and realize that someday you'll meet someone that would make a great husband for you and dad for him. Do you really want the sperm doner around then? I'd get rid of him now while you can, let him relinquish his rights. It'll just be a hassle for you trying to get him to do anything now anyway. You'll find it's more grief than it's worth. You don't want your baby to have a ';father'; who's forced into it, that's not a ';daddy'; for sure. Later you'll be free to find a real daddy for your baby and someone who loves you, and that's a real family.
Congratulations on your new baby. You are doing the right thing by working to support your child.

The very first thing you need to do is file for child support. The Dad will probably want a paternity test, don't let that bother you. Once the child's paternity has been proven he will have to help support the child whether he chooses to know the child or not.

If he chooses to be a part of the child's life PLEASE just accept the fact that he IS the baby's Dad and try not to fight with him. The best thing you can do for your child is to get along with his Dad no matter what he does or what his future girlfriends do.

If the Dad does not want to be a part of your son's life PLEASE accept that now. It will be harder if you force the Dad to visit the baby and 2-3-4 years down the road he walks out of the child's life. Someday you will meet the right guy who will act as this little guy's step Dad but until that time YOU may be all he has. It is better for a child to have only a Mom who loves him than to have two parents who fight all the time.

Just accept the child support and live your life.
If the baby's dad won't be a ';dad'; then find a man that loves you and your child. Then forget the father. I child is better off with a man that loves you both than a boy that feels bothered by you both. Good luck it's not easy, trust me I know
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