Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about a guy!?

I am 27 years old, kinda shy and really haven't dated much at all. I met this guy, in a bar, but I think he only is interested in me for one thing-yes that. He only texts, never calls, and doesn't seem to remember anything I have told him about myself. The problem is I don't have many opportunites to date so I am afraid to break this off, even though I don't think he really cares about me. Any suggestions? Thanks!Need advice about a guy!?
I think the reservations and intuition you have about this guy is reason enough not to pursue him.

Just because you're 27 doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship or that you're less of a person because you're not.

In other words doll, don't just deserve a man to respect you and cherish your time and your presence.Need advice about a guy!?
I guess I would have to ask what your opinion is, what your feelings are.

If you want to just get out and test the waters, to have a one-night stand with no feelings involved type attempt then you should go for it, but know, and always remember HE HAS NO FEELINGS FOR YOU. You should keep in mind as he is, that you are just using each other momentarily.

If you haven't dated a lot, and are looking to find a real relationship that may carry into marriage then I suggest signing up for a class or something where you can meet someone who has similar interests, and first get to know the person as a friend. And if you find someone with chemistry you can then attempt a substantial relationship.

My dad didn't meet my mom until they were around your age, and she was his first girlfriend. They are a really happy couple to this day.

You're better off, finding someone good for you, than hurting yourself rushing into it.

You might feel like 27 is already old, but the people you let into your life and your heart will stay there for many more years to come.
I think you know the answer to this. Why do you want to see someone who isn't interested in you? If you are happy with a casual relationship then go ahead and carry on seeing him. If, on the other hand, you want a meaningful, fulfilling relationship with mutual respect, then don't go there because that's not what he's offering.

Don't let your shyness make you a target for people to take advantage of you. You say you don't have many opportunities to date - that doesn't mean you should settle for second best which ultimately won't make you feel good. Don't waste your energy with this guy, someone much better could be just round the don't want to miss them because you're with this time-waster!
I think you could still keep in contact with this guy if he texts you but I would still go out and date and try to meet other people. Also, I would do the testing but would wait for him to text me. If he's forgetting what you tell him then that's a tell tail sign that you shouldn't put much effort or worry into this relationship.

Keep in touch with him but realize that he's not that into you and is probably doing the minimum to try and get you to do the dirty deed with him. Texting is safe as long as you keep it away from sex talk. If he ever asks you go to out with him, meet him some where and drive your own car.

You deserve a much better relationship and should still go out and meet new people. You will find the right one for you.
trust me, if a guy is really interested in trying to have a relationship with you, he will not only converse with you through text message. you can keep him on the back burner if you like (that's probably what he is doing with you), but I suggest you try putting yourself out there more and trying to date other people if possible. don't let him take over your love life when he's obviously not acting the way you wish he would.
Well, if you don't think he cares about you much but seems interested in an encounter of the casual kind, I would say if that interests you than go for that, but I wouldn't start having ideas of dating him and setting yourself up for heartbreak if he indeed isn't interested in you more than your body. If your goals are the same then all is well - if you're not interested in a casual encounter, than I'd suggest you stop trying to win his affection. If he really is interested in you, he'll make contact and make it clear eventually that he is interested in you, and if he's only looking for a casual affair, he'll look elsewhere or make that clear by his actions as well. Just because a guy wants you in the sack definitely doesn't mean he's interested in dating you, so don't go getting yourself hurt by this; but by all means if you're attracted to him and can separate lust from love go for it!
I would just brush him off, in my experience texting is avoiding real voice confrontation. every girl i met that was interested in or not i still remembered just about all of what they told me but thats how my mind works, but if he can't remember anything you told him then look for someone else, a bar is never a good place to meet someone if you wan't a serious realtionship.
If you're not concerned about this guy taking advantage of you or 'playing' you, then you should just go for it. Dont take offense to this, as some girls really dont mind it.

But if you're thinking of a decent relationship, this guy does not look like a keeper. Its possible he's just shy and doesnt wanna call, but if he looks suave and charming, he's most probably not that. The thing that is most suspiscious is the fact that he doesnt remember much about you.
Don't do it!!! Sounds like bad news all around to me!

Since you haven't dated a lot you don't need your first real relationship or interacting with a guy to be with (a) someone you met a bar and (b) someone who doesn't seem too interested.

Just wait, you will meet someone that is more for you.

You don't want one of your first relationships to be with someone that you can tell doesn't really care about you!
Why do you think he's just interested in the sex, is that all he talks about?

One thing that puzzles me is that you say he never call just uses text, that would start my alarm bells ringing. Like does he have a wife etc. Know what I mean??

Next time you communicate try and find out more about him, ask lots of question. try to remember his answer. then some days later ask him the same question again. liars always trip themselves up. Not calling him a liar, but until you can establish that either assume his is lying.
If he only txts it's probably because he doesn't want to get caught. He doesn't remember anything because ';he's not interested'; in you. He won't break it off in case there's a chance that he can get in your pants. You should break it off before he ruins you for all other men.
it depends what you think you might want out of him.... do you want a relationship or just a bit of fun, seeing as you have lack of experience, i would just go for the fun side of it and see how it goes, but don't go in full guns blazing, coz your likely to get hurt, and by the sounds of it he does only want you for one thing
Avoid him and stay away from him. If he is only interested in one thing, and sounds like he is, he does not care about YOU. Getting involved with a guy who does not find you important will only further crush your self esteem. Why not get involved in Church young adult activities/groups? Try dating group activities. Don't jump in simply because you want some type of relationship (however shallow it may be) with a guy. Wait and pray.....the right guy WILL come along....eventually. It IS worth the wait....YOU are worth the wait. Hold yourself up better than that. Been there....
Maybe you should meet up with him for dinner or call him and ask him if he wants anyhting out of the relationship. And Sometimes we just have to patient with waiting for the number one guy. Just really ask yourself if you really want to get into a relationship when the guy only wants one thing. Thwe best thing to do is be honest, with him and yourself. Hope I helped.
Trust me. You should leave him alone. Especially since you met him at a bar. Most guys that go there honestly only want that one thing. And then the fact that he never calls shows you right there that he is not truly interested in you. Never ever settle for something that you know your to good for.
=id say leave his butt alone he sounds like a douche bag..But if you feel you dont get many opportunities then maybe see what you can get out of it..a lil fun every so of ton wont long as you keep your emotions out of it you'll do fine..put your emotions in there place every so of ton so you dont fall for a jerk and get hurt..but if ya wanna go have fun girl
Don't degrade yourself honey. If you know he's not interesting in dating you, then don't stroke his ego by letting him get any further. Maybe if you play hard to get a little it might make him more interested, but doubtful.
If you dont think he cares about you, wait till you find some one who does.

Because having relationship like that will break your heart.

Im sure soon you will find some one that you both like each other and care about each other.

good luck
look you need to make it clear what your thinking, if he really is onterested injuse ';you know what'; then its not worth it and you'll just get hurt. but don't lose faith, there is someone perfect out there for you! : )
honestly when i only text someone t sbecause im not that interested and i just text that person when im bored or the erson i want to speak to isnt available. Dont waste ur time settling for less than u deserve.
youre worth whatever you THINK youre worth.. if you think this guy who def wants sex and nothing else is worth your time, then so be it! you can only be the judge of that. no one else can convince you otherwise.
well i would say break up with him because if he doesn't remember anything you tell him he really doesn't care
Drop him. Actions speak louder than words. If he cared it would show. If you are shy, there are plenty of online dating sites that you can try out.
Ask him your middle name.

Then you'll know if you should break it up.
try to talk to him, ride a bike eat some froot loops, JUMP!
Go bawls to the wall baby...You know what i mean...Hint Hint
Mmk, Well this guy obviously wants one thing...So i wouldn't bother with him if i was you. If you want to make the relationship work maybe call him or go out on a date and explain your feelings for him.

Well it's hard to find love these days...I know a friend who joined Dating Direct Direct. I think its well worth it to check out. If your not the type of person who rarely goes out to clubs or speed dating bars then i think it's a great site to find your true match.


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