Wednesday, December 23, 2009

PLEASE HELP! i need advice about a girl!?

ok. So there is this girl i really really like.

She is 15 and can't go out with anyone til she is 16. We have been good friends for years.

She always claims she doesn't like anyone at all. Do you really think that is possible?

She's one of my best friends. so if you have ever had an experience Dating a good friend, will you tell me how it ultimatly turned out?

PLEASE HELP! i need advice about a girl!?
To address your question about if it is possible for her to not like anyone at all, there is such a thing as being A-sexual meaning you aren't attracted to anyone of any gender.

As far as having a relationship with some one you are friends with it can be very good or very bad. On one hand you know what you have in common but on the other hand breakups can make friendships awkward. If you want a relationship with a friend you just need to take a risk. PLEASE HELP! i need advice about a girl!?
She might like you %26amp; might just be trying to hide it. I've dated a guy that I had been best friends forever with %26amp; it didn't really work out %26amp; we aren't friends now. But if you want to try it go ahead just be aware of what may happen if thing don't work out.
Well you should get a friend to ask her if she at least sort of likes you but tell them to say you had nothing to do with it and make her do the first move!

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