Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Please read..i need advice about..?

i have my driving test this thursday. i heard this remedy called rescue remedy. alot of people are talking about it. does it really work? im already getting nervous. im a good driver. but once i get to the dmv i freeze up and make the dumbest mistakes. so please give me some advice. and if you have used rescue remedy. please give me your experience with it. thanksPlease read..i need advice about..?
I have used Rescue Remedy to relax my children which is BTW safe for children. However, I would recommend some chamomile tea or Magnesium to relax your nerves. Hey, how about some Yoga or meditation before hitting the road?Please read..i need advice about..?
i dont know about this rescue thingy,but i have passed my driving test and realy its not as bad as you might think,the examiner knows you are going to be nervous and will understand if you make some minor mistakes,but that is what your minors are for,if you get a few so what at least you will have passed,be cool and try your best,show your examiner you know what you are doing,**** luck.
L-threonine is good for nerves!! A great little calmer and natural!!! Even given to hyper dogs it will settle them and no side effects !!!
Rescue Remedy is an excellent remedy to calm nerves, I have never see it fail. Moreover I can tell you a few Homeopathic remedies whic work wonderfully well in cases like yours and totally without any side effects or complications , here you go :-

Anxiety due to fright, fear,exciting news; stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc Gelsemium 30X or 200X 3 hourly (6 Doses)

Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation, anxity due to anticipation Argentum Nit 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Take care and God Bless you.
It is no good.

Take a bath the same day, take a walk, about an hour, think of good things. When you are in the car, having the exam, just think of yourself, you you being in your car, nobody else, think about how great you drive, o, here is man who wants to cross the street, i will stop, o it is a red light, i have to stop, o, i am so good driver, why i was worried on a first place, hey girl, take us back, you've made it, you drove really good, very nice, thank you, goodbye.

Good day, Andrej.
I use rescue remedy as part of a mix I take that fends off my depression.

I love the stuff, and use it for everything - stressful days for me, scraped knees for my little son, my teenage sister's tearful episodes... :)

You will lose nothing by trying it for yourself! I'd recommend it.
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