Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about my situation please?

I got out of a four year relationship back in August. I moved back in with my mom to get back on my feet and of course she could use the extra cash I'd be giving her. I don't expect to live for free, hell I'm 22 and have a job. She moved into a bigger home, got a SUV, and recently started partying. She claims the atty gen is taking out 600 for child suppport and she has so many bills and I needed to help her out. I said of course and in 3 months I went through 7000 of my savings and fell behind on my bills so she could have money. she's been blowing it on partying, shopping, and constantly asks for more. I had enough and moved out. I was scraping pennies and wouldn't eat lunch for weeks so I could have money to give while she was bringing home leftovers from ritzy restaurants she'd been eating at. She asked for 400 to and gave me a guilt trip for not giving her money and helping her. I MOVED OUT! I have nothing left!Am I wrong? Should I have stayed? What do I say? She's angry w/me.Advice about my situation please?
Does your mom have any kind of income of her own? How was she living before you moved in with her? No, I don't think you are wrong. But it is a sad situation. It sounds as tho your mom need more than just money. Talk with her, ask her if there is some thing else you can do to help her. Explain to her that you just don't make enough money for both of you

This is a good example of, easier said than done.Advice about my situation please?
You confront her about taking advantage of the situation. You didn't have to move back in with her, you could have stayed with a friend. Your parents should always support you and be able to support you, and always be willing for you to live with them for free. Yes you're 22 and can pay, but if you're going to pay rent why not stay away from the parent's?

No, you're not wrong, no, you shouldn't have stayed, and she's angry that her cash flow has stopped, not with you. You tell her that you love her but you can't sit by and watch her take advantage of you, and you can't be a part of her exuberant lifestyle.
I went through a similar situation with my mom. I had to move in with her when I was 21 because I had no place to go. I got a job and Started paying rent. I didn't even eat at home or if I did I brought my own food home with me. She always complained that I ate her out of house and home. She kept asking for more money and I was giving her up to 400 dollars a week. She didn't party or anything like that and to this day I still don't know where all that money went. Anyways the best advice to give is stay on your own and just visit. Your mother is a grown woman and can take care of her self. Don't feel guilty you did the best that you could. Take care of yourself and only help in dire emergencies. I know it may seem harsh because it's your mother but people no matter who they are will use you if you let them. Give her time to cool down and then maybe you will be able to work things out. Mothers and children always get along better when they don't live together. My mom and I became best friends after she got over her self. Good luck with everything I know it's hard and sometimes it hurts because it is your mom.
No offense but your mom took advantage of you! And you know that tells me another thing, you have no one to depend on but your self. That means that you need to look out for your self now and only you. She has nothing on you, you helped her out and now you are out of there. You hold no responsibility for her. ANd if she is angry with you well then sweety that is her problem, you know that you helped and gave it your all, now its on her. You need to buck up and tell her how you feel. There is nothing wrong with being up front with anyone, including family. You need to be respected too. Best of wishes to you!
WOW! I don't think that you are wrong. I think I would have moved out even sooner. It's one thing to help out, but to support her while she's out there partying is another. She should be proud of you for keeping a job and saving money to support yourself. Not many young people out there are doing for their own self. Have you tried sitting down and talking to her? Letting her know how you feel and explaining that you can't keep supporting her. I would think that she will eventually get over being mad at you. If she doesn't then that is her loss. Don't let her guilt trip you-you keep up the good work and make something out of yourself.
dang.. well you did the right thing
You did the right thing. Mommy became a real opportunist and a user. Who's the real adult here? YOU! Obviously, she's looking for a free ride even if it's on the back of her own child. Keep a respectful distance and let her be mad. She'll get over it. You have to protect yourself and be responsible even though she is not.

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