Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Help please!! i need advice about this guy that i REALLY like =]

ok, so i really like this guy, and he likes me back. we went on our first date a few days ago, and i know that he's really shy and he wants to get to know each other more before things get serious. the thing is though, is that we've known each other for almost 2 years and have been friends for awhile and i think that its time to get serious. should i make the first move and ask him myself, or wait for him?

do guys feel weird if the girl makes the first move towards a relationship?

any suggestions as to how i can get him alone?

and hint to him that i wanna see him again really soon, one on one?

thanks! :DHelp please!! i need advice about this guy that i REALLY like =]
I was very similar to your friend from the sounds of it. A girl asked me out, because I wouldn't ask her out. I married her 13 years ago and it's been great since.Help please!! i need advice about this guy that i REALLY like =]
Hey! Ok, so you have to go on another date and if you really like him get him alone and talk to him that you want to speed things up. Do what you feel is right for your relationship. I wish you Good Luck!

XOXO Hope my advice helped!
its not weird at all if a girl asks a guy out.
I think that a guy or girl can never really make a move toward a relationship if the other is ready. I also used to be a girl who would make the first move, and I still will, but then I back off and see what he does. It seems like when I made all the moves or would call him in the beginning some guys would go along with it when they weren't really that into it. If he knows how you feel about him back off. The best way to attract him is to have your own life and make him realize that you won't be there waiting forever. Then if he really likes you he will know that he better make it exclusive. Don't play games, just don't be in his face 24/7.

Also consider taking it slow. These make for the longest lasting relationships anyway. If he feels too much pressure he might get scared off, especially if he is shy.

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