Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need advice about someone?

I need some good advice about thsi lady I found on here! I asked a question about wanting someone to talk to cause i'm going through a terrible time and everything! Anyway, she doesn't believe me about this situation, she keeps e-mailing me and telling me off and she that she'll track me down and get her large hunsband to come to my house! I'm scared, and this that I told her is not even a lie! My name is Ashura, most people call me Ash and i'm 13 years old and she doens't believe me about anything! What should I do, I mean I was only looking for someone to talk to me while i'm going throught his hard time, and she doesn't even know what it's like, what should I do now? In teh last message she sent, she was swearing, she said the F word and the ';hell'; word and now i'm soo scared, she just doesn't care about me! I don't know if I can ever talk to s again if their all like that! What should I do?I need advice about someone?
Print a copy of the letters you received from her. You'll not want to erase them keep them as further information on this person to trace.

Check your personal information on your profile make sure that nothing is available to track you (address, full name, phone number) even if you have to give wrong information. (usually there is a edit profile button when you go into your e-mail)

Take the copies and show them to an adult you trust (parent, school counsellor, teacher, friends parents)

Open a new e-mail account and don't use the other anymore.

You are 13 there is laws out there to help you.I need advice about someone?
dummy report her and more importantly tell your parents well ash i hope u dont confide in another adult on line again, u got sum burly trucker looking for u know u r 13 find another 13 yr old 2 talk about your problems, good luck genius.
you need to talk to an adult that you can confide in. Not anyone on the internet either but rather someone you can talk to in person...
block her email address and quit opeing them.
just get her out of your contact list and ignore!!
Turn off your computer and walk away.
You should tell you parents about this and make copy of you emails. Also you should save all phone messages and tell you parents to hire some one track her down.
should this to your parent and then they will talk to this lady and call the police. This is harrasssment, being young doesn't matter, when it is in black and white in the computer.
i would block her from ur email account and remind her that ur only 13 yrs. old! and if possible u should tell ur parents about this cause basically ur being harassed. if u don't want to tell ur parents...tell a friend or someone u can trust in case something were to happen, they have a clue who this person is.
I would first off, find friends, family members, somebody in the church locally, to talk to that lives near you about the hard times you are going through. You can find some crazy people on here and I would be very careful! Who knows who she/he is??? I wouldn't mess with her anymore, stay away and find some new friends! Life gets better, things change, and at your age, you also have hormones to deal with on top of life and learning about life itself. It's probably one of the hardest times, but be strong, have faith, you will get through it and this too shall pass...............
well what u need to do is don't e-mail her back.........edit your personal info and make it to where people can't e-mail you know what i mean? don't be scared....hope it works out for you.
Look i dont know what the situation is but what ever it was you need to know that no one can track you down ther are more than 10 billion people with your name and more than 50 billion people on this planet so dont talk ter her agein and if you are going to through a hard time let your family know their isnt going to be a greater advice in this world than the lords or your family

I am the woman he is talking about and yes I am very mad let me explain...... This little liar tells a sad story about his/her parents being killed by a drunk driver leaving 15 children in an orphanage so I offered to take them into my home and give them ALL a place to live. Then after contacting an adoption agency I and a little more research I found out this person was lying!!! And trying to run some kind of scam on here! So every time I see him/her posting on this site I WILL expose them. And when he/she emails me YEAH I tell them off!!!!
call the police and show them the messages

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