Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why do girls take advice about men from other girls?

dnt u think it makes more sense to ask a guy y we do wat we doWhy do girls take advice about men from other girls?
yea but guys are hard to read and if they dont want to tell you something theyll get around it.....girls look to their friends to let them know what a guy is thinking cuz they know that theyll be honest and they cant figure it out for the life of them so mayb their friend can.Why do girls take advice about men from other girls?
leern two spek engalish.
Its because some other girls have gone out with stupidasses and they don't want to fall for a guy like that
Yeah it does make sense, and if we really need help we'll ask for it. But guys and girls interpret things differently. Like, if you and your gf decided that you wanted a break, the girl might interpret that as:

'; He broke up with me.';

Plus girls are sometimes a bit more sensitive than boys, and need their friends to be there to give them advice. Would you honestly be able to consult a crying girl?
same reason why a man would take advice form a next guy
That is true but most girls feel more comfortable with talkin to girls about guys... unless they have a lot of guy friends... then that's different
Because experience comes from only someone that has experienced it!
dont know we just do
Yes it does but whenever you ask a deep question none of the men answer. Almost like they dont want to give the secret man club rules away.
Because men are liars lol. Just for experience and because guys know how to twist things. It does make sense to ask the guys, but you never know if they're being honest or not.
becos they are our friends who are honest with us.
me too want to know the answer
Because they are the only ones that answer!
No because most of the time your not going to tell us the truth or you just tell us what you think we want to hear so that's why we ask each other
We dont ask guys because it's useless and answer will be ';oh, girl all man doing this';

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